Same product, different quality; stand in height, Looking to the future!
His height makes him stand out in the crowd.
Stand on a higher ground without others feeling the difference in height, and it will win the discerning eye of others.
His height makes him stand out in the crowd.
For convenience, the principal components with most messages are used in making an upper stand height table of the manchurian walnut site types which will be applied to the forest production.
In this situation must stand in the strategic height to the enterprise competition strategy research, can make the fixed-line telecoms operators in the fierce market competition invincible.
And it's famous because it's actually out in the middle of the sea but you can stand out there because the corals have risen to such a height that it's close to the water.
You are at the height when you are fully aware that you will be reduced to a victim of evil if you don't stand up in defense of justice.
His height makes him stand out in the crowd.
The difference in height between the collar stand and the collar is one of the main factors affecting the design of gradient data of lapel collar.
This photo shows a group of 9-year-old boys and girls in Tanzania who stand below the median height for their age.
All geostationary satellites orbit the earth in the equatorial plane at a height of 35,785 km above the equator and stand still at a fixed azimuth and altitude for an observer on the earth surface.
All geostationary satellites orbit the earth in the equatorial plane at a height of 35,785 km above the equator and stand still at a fixed azimuth and altitude for an observer on the earth surface.