Make all customers stand in one long, snaking line—called a serpentine line—and serve each person at the front with the next available register.
Discarded mannequins stand in one abandoned shop.
Usually, there are always a number of people will stand in one side, but sometimes there will be one voice different from others.
In many cases, you could stand at the edge of one village and see the outskirts of the next community.
It is almost impossible for the prime minister to stand above the factions. He always seems in hock to one or another.
On one side stand new apartment buildings for civil servants, with luxury kitchens and a sprinkler system embedded in the lush lawn.
The woman on the witness stand in this story is being questioned about the murder that was committed one hundred years ago.
The articles in the front of the magazine, which once flowed into one another, now stand on their own, to gain prominence.
If you cannot stand the smell of the rotten potatoes for one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the hatred in your heart for your lifetime?
In case you were wondering, this monstrosity really is one word, not merely many different words squashed together—most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.
When he flees to one of these cities, he is to stand in the entrance of the city gate and state his case before the elders of that city.
These fears become amplified when you stand in front of a crowd. No one wants to fail or look dumb in front of others.
Finally, one night in 1990, when he was "so hammered [he could] barely stand," he decided to check into an Arizona rehab facility.
To start, stand with one foot in front of the other and shift your weight back and forth (versus around in a circle).
My little sister and I went in one day and strolled from stand to stand in the fashion department until we found the right stand and the right sweater.
One way to stand out in an interview is to ask questions.
And then the projecting Windows stand so far out, that no one can see from our Windows what happens in that direction!
Even those who are drafted into politics rather than forced to stand for election, find they are in a far more confusing world than the one they are familiar with.
Photographer Stephen Alvarez and I stand in that vault one day.
In the fossil record, the research team found evidence of changes in leg length and pelvic structure that may have made it easier for some chimps, like the one in their study, to stand upright.
My Trigonometry teacher, Mr. Varner, who I would have hated anyway just because of the subject he taught, was the only one who made me stand in front of the class and introduce myself.
And when you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first one to stand up and join in.
In order to stand apart from the other applicants during the process, one must make oneself noticeable.
One of the simplest ways to stand out in your niche is to write differently to other bloggers covering the same topics.
JUST two years ago Kirstie had one passion in life - binge-drinking. "We'd stand on street corners and wait for other kids to get hold of alcohol," says the college student.
To work triceps, stand with resistance band along your back, holding the tubing in one hand and stretching the other band with your other hand over your head.
Robots can solve puzzles, assist with surgery, and even stand in for caregivers, but ask one to handle potato chips without crushing them and humans still prevail.
Robots can solve puzzles, assist with surgery, and even stand in for caregivers, but ask one to handle potato chips without crushing them and humans still prevail.