On a financial level, the poor and middle class need to rely more credit to attain an adequate standard of living, which ultimately makes them poorer.
Poor countries therefore think emissions per head, not absolute emissions, should be the standard.
The cons are poor performance next to erb, an early stage project and the fact that it's not a Rails standard.
Either the standard of bank regulation is very poor or there is something about being regulated that leads to trouble.
The standard issue party T-shirts may not please the fashion-conscious, but new clothes can be hard to come by for Liberia's poor.
This is the stock market for the United States; it's the Standard & Poor Composite.
They will be received in the higher dimensions with great love and understanding, and for their part it is something of a release from what is often a very poor standard of living.
The standard problems in n-tier Web applications are the same as those for any application: long startup times, poor overall performance, poor performance in specific cases, and application failures.
Conclusions: We concluded that the expandable IM femoral nail, when tested in purely axial rotation, has poor rotational stability compared with the standard locked IM femoral nail.
There is generally poor search revision functionality: Once a search is performed, the “advancedness” is lost. For example, the Google advanced search delivers the standard search results page.
Mani tape don t have standard pronunciation. Don t wast your time follow and practic poor pronunciation!
Four want standard farm machinery training, promotes the farm machinery poor nature.
Also, there are numerous problems associated with the production of standard furniture, for instance poor inventory management and inefficient production process.
However, social responsibility is more and more becoming the standard for distinguishing outstanding and poor firms with the development of social progress.
Standard of proof in traditional theory of proof has its paradox and lead to poor operational; it will affect the trial's fairness and efficiency.
Many take has a poor appetite as the prominent symptom does not have his clinical manifestation, its reason often is the standard god factor or feeds improper.
The standard of living in poor countries is very low.
Hoping to provide poor Cambodians with a better standard of living, the winning projects will be built later this year.
The problems existed in the researches mainly include: the disjoint between theory and practice, the index system's poor maneuverability, and lack of national standard.
Listen to Crazy English professional tapes as much as possible. Many tapes don't have standard pronunciation. Don't waste your time following and practicing poor pronunciation!
There were always rich and poor, and in some ways the gap between them increased in the Hellenistic world, although the average standard of life certainly rose.
Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living.
Many tapes don't have standard pronunciation. Don't waste your time following and practicing poor pronunciation!
The frost heave in a road is easily induced due to low standard design, poor geographical circumstance and effect of daily travel loads.
Poor people's standard of living, and they do not have TV sets.
Poor people's standard of living, and they do not have TV sets.