When she walked onstage she was given a standing ovation.
Mr. Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech.
When I stood up to speak, they responded with an enthusiastic and prolonged standing ovation.
The audience rose as one in a standing ovation.
She recently invited Ms Rhee onto her show, where the audience gave her a standing ovation.
A thin but energetic Steve Jobs made a surprise return to the spotlight on Wednesday, taking the stage to unveil Apple Inc's new iPad and drawing a standing ovation.
Rowling's speech lasted 21 minutes, and the standing ovation afterward went on for almost two.
She received a standing ovation from both sides of the House.
A surprise appearance by Billy Crystal, considered by many to be the best Oscar host over the past 20 years, earned a standing ovation.
On the opening night of "of Mice and Men", a standing ovation greeted Mr Floyd when he came on stage.
They give themselves a standing ovation.
Donors then voted for Holly to remake the Beyonce video that was later unveiled at the NTC conference to a crowd of 900 people. Holly received a standing ovation!
After a standing ovation for Mr Rudd, the most rousing applause came for a call to end Australia's constitutional links with the monarchy and make it a republic.
As Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" ended and the lights faded out, Jobs faded in and got a standing ovation from the crowd, which was composed primarily of journalists.
Smoke from grills perfumes the narrow aisles and so many women briskly pat stone-ground tortillas into shape that it sounds like a standing ovation.
Veteran actor Kirk Douglas came on stage to a standing ovation to present the Best Supporting Actress Oscar.
Ian Skerrett described it as the Best keynote Ever, and the audience agreed with the first standing ovation at an EclipseCon keynote.
Ian Skerrett形容其是有史以来最优秀的主旨演讲,听众们则首次在主旨演讲期间站立鼓掌以示认可。
While generals huffed and puffed, the packed auditorium audience gave "Testimonies" a standing ovation.
Mr Romney won a standing ovation.
When the developers gave a demonstration of the new user interface at Lotusphere (a yearly user group meeting), they received a standing ovation from the crowd of customers.
He was given a standing ovation as he arrived on stage for the launch event at the company's headquarters in Cupertino, San Francisco.
In the House, the Republican Speaker, John Boehner, received a standing ovation at a gathering of House Republicans, before the vote.
"Senna" duly earned a standing ovation at the South By Southwest Festival and won the World Cinema Audience Award for Documentary at Sundance.
“塞纳”这部电影在西南偏南(theSouthBy Southwest)艺术节上正式获得了全体起立热烈鼓掌的欢迎以及赢得了圣丹斯的世界电影纪录片观众奖。
I often think back to the end of that first Village Meeting, to that standing-ovation moment.
Bless the grandparents, uncles, aunts and family friends who pitch in. They all deserve a standing ovation and a loud round of applause.
Bless the grandparents, uncles, aunts and family friends who pitch in. They all deserve a standing ovation and a loud round of applause.