Both the State Development and Planning Commission will separately publish the name list of the designated media.
There are three State Policy Banks in China: the State Development Bank, the Export and Import Bank of China, and the Agriculture Development Bank of China.
According to other sources, at the end of last year, a stock-holding corporation signed strategic cooperation agreement with a branch of the State Development Bank.
In almost all places in New York State where ducky salamanders used to live, suburban development has cleared uplands and put down asphalt.
Therefore, it is probably the increased flow caused by suburban development that is responsible for the dusky salamander's virtual disappearance from New York State.
Thanks to an exhausted and cranky state, for which there is no prospect of dramatic reform, much of the job of development will fall upon the private sector.
The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile, since the development of new international trade routes could undermine the monetary base and erode state power.
It can also produce metrics to help you understand development state.
The workspace holds all current projects under development as well as metadata used to manage the state of the various projects.
More and more companies and organizations are joining the proposal, and we welcome any company and individual with an interest in furthering the state of software development to join.
He graduated from Florida State University in 1983 and has spent the majority of his career in various aspects of operating system development.
Measuring the state of early child development with a comparable approach throughout the world will provide a way for societies to judge their success.
In a GDD model, the development staffing may be distributed across town, across a state or provincial border, or overseas.
The crucial technological development happened recently at the Flexible Display Centre at Arizona State University.
This article concludes with some observations about performance, and ideas for further development of finite state machines for browser-based applications.
This typifies the current state of portal application design and development.
The transformation of state information back and forth between these two paradigms can often require significant development work and is highly susceptible to errors.
The State encourages the development and utilization of new and renewable resources of energy.
During the JDBC 2 development process, SQL99 was still in a state of flux.
The "as-is," or current state of the enterprise as applicable to process design and development, is analyzed.
If the state owns the land, how does it decide how much land to devote to development?
Once development activities are at a stable state (when each iteration in the build-test continuum has been completed), it's time to deploy the implementation.
In their current state of development, says Robert Albro, ananthropologist at American University in Washington DC, the models are often awaste of time.
Project Area editor gives you access to the project area's process specification, development lines, work item categories, and process state.
The result is a new state engine in Flex 4 and a major advancement in the field of RIA development.
最终结果是Flex4中的新的状态引擎和RIA 开发中的一个重大进步。
Several years and development releases later, PCLinuxOS is rapidly approaching its intended state.
Scaffolding represents a significant improvement over the state of the art in most Web development frameworks, but it can and should be improved.
to be responsible for the administration of research and development funds and the state fiscal construction funds for the high-tech industries and technologies;
to be responsible for the administration of research and development funds and the state fiscal construction funds for the high-tech industries and technologies;