For instance, touring London in a high-speed boat like James Bond, or visiting the stately homes that are seen in the Jane Austen films.
The number of marriage ceremonies that took place in approved premises such as hotels, stately homes and historic buildings increased in 2007.
They come from museums across the world: the (anonymous) private lenders include collectors from Hollywood, Wall Street and England's stately homes.
Indeed, any serious student of antique should spend as much time as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past.
It was anchored by an old, once-stately mansion that was cut-up into cheap apartments, and was surrounded by a sad assembly of rundown trailers and a couple white-washed shack homes.
Private homes are equipped with stately kitchens, secluded family rooms, and excitement-packed game rooms.
The stately buildings seen across the street in this photo were once the homes of wealthy burghers, but now lend their medieval flavor to hotels, restaurants, and sidewalk cafes.
The stately buildings seen across the street in this photo were once the homes of wealthy burghers, but now lend their medieval flavor to hotels, restaurants, and sidewalk cafes.