But on the more important matter of the Constitution, the decision was an 8-0 defeat for the Administration's effort to upset the balance of power between the federal government and the states.
Asking a favor of the President of the United States was no casual matter, especially for a seventeen-year-old girl.
No matter who wins the presidential election, the United States is on its way out of Iraq.
不管谁赢得大选,美国总要从伊拉克撤出来。 奥巴马提出了最具体也最快速的撤离方案,而麦凯恩的计划也不会把大规模地面部队在伊拉克拖太久。
For these reasons, I urge all States that have not yet signed or ratified the Treaty to do so as a matter of priority.
First mental states and processes are states and processes of matter.
But it didn't matter under those conditions because an electron could then never jump into one of the states of negative energy.
If our poll is right, then it can only be a matter of time before laws start to change, at least in the more liberal states.
There are three states of matter, three dimensions. Triangulation is how we get our bearings.
Still, that is largely a matter of mere nuisance. Much more worrying is that a new balance between liberty and security may have to be struck more broadly, and not just in the United States.
That's a matter of basic fairness. But it's also a measure that would directly target some of the biggest budding social problems in the United States today.
It's all the same stuff, but those are different states of matter.
It doesn't matter if you never set foot outside of the United States because there is a lifetime of travel to experience there.
Although these mobile payment products are still relatively new in the United States, it is only a matter of time before they do become mainstream.
Another possibility is that this combination of cold atoms with nanoscale structures could lead to new states of matter.
The major hitch is getting the two states of matter to combine consistently and effectively over the course of the burn.
Ever since, federal debt has been backed by the full faith and credit of the entire United States (state debts are a different matter).
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, states "The saving of money is solely a matter of habit."
The United States has always been very diverse, but it is no longer simply a matter of bringing together different European nationalities and ethnic groups.
Studying such atomic waves has led to the discovery of new states of matter—Bose-Einstein condensates and degenerate Fermi gases.
O.K., the question is premature - we still don't know the exact shape of the planned financial rescues in Europe or for that matter the United States, let alone whether they'll really work.
We want to pursue both the fundamental aspect of creating new cold-matter states, and the development of sensitive detectors.
There are three states of matter: gas, liquid and solid.
There are three states of matter: gas, liquid and solid.