Numerous statistical process monitoring methods based on principal component analysis (PCA) have been developed and applied to various chemical processes for fault detection and identification.
Multivariate statistical process control for process monitoring and diagnosis are becoming more common in academic re - search, but are still underutilized in industrial practice.
His research interests include quality engineering and management to manufacturing and service industries, statistical process control, monitoring and diagnosis.
Based on analysis of the data characters of batch processes, this paper presents a review of multivariate statistical performance monitoring and control of batch process.
Then, a multi-client distributed process monitoring system based on CORBA is developed w using multivariate statistical process control technology for process industries.
Do the process control plans(normal and GP-12) agree with the actual process? Do production part checks and statistical monitoring take place as outlined on the process control plan?
Do the process control plans(normal and GP-12) agree with the actual process? Do production part checks and statistical monitoring take place as outlined on the process control plan?