This is the same arrangement found in an old-fashioned steam radiator, in which the coiled pipes pass heat back and forth as water courses through them.
There's nothing like steam heat to warm the cockles of a spaceman's soul as he or she traverses the cold depths of interplanetary space.
The water engine will use steam, created by solar panels (太阳能板) that heat water to a high temperature.
This is one of the arguments for looking instead at another solar technology, solar thermal, which USES mirrors to concentrate heat, produce steam and thus drive turbines.
鉴于对此的争议,人们因此寻求另一种太阳能技术- - -太阳能热能发电,它使用镜面聚热,产生蒸汽从而驱动涡轮机。
The heat from the exposed core soon turns the steam into superheated steam.
Basement boilers produce the steam, and holes in the dome release excess heat.
A valve that was supposed to be open, to allow the heat and steam to escape, was closed.
Heat turns water to steam, steam moves turbines in the electric generator.
More heat means more steam and less water in the reactor vessel.
Most of the gains in efficiency come from increasing the heat and pressure of the steam used to turn a plant's turbines.
Soon, the water had burned off and the fuel rods were exposed -- allowing them to emit levels of heat and steam that can melt the reactor's core.
Two reactors, one big steam turbine hall and cooling towers for heat removal.
Soak the lotus seeds in a bowl of water, steam at high heat for 1 hour, take out and draw aside for later use;
Bioelectricity is created the same way fossil fuel-generated electricity is: Biomass is usually burned to generate heat, turning water to steam and driving an electrical generator.
For immediate relief, cut back on the mileage and try some damp heat: hot baths or the steam room. Heating pads and heat rubs may help somewhat, but wet heat seems to work better than dry.
The concentrated sunlight is used to heat water, generating steam which is used to turn a traditional turbine and generator to produce electricity.
Chimney steam can be diverted to heat greenhouses. Unused meat and bone from cattle rendering can be burned as fuel for cement production.
Steam generated by the heat of a cooling down reactor has enough force to run a turbine, which then runs a pump that provides coolant to the core.
Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold.
As the water turns into steam, it extracts latent heat from the fire and cools the smoke-thereby preventing the fire from jumping to a new location.
That heat is then used to create steam, which in turn drives a turbine to generate electricity.
Then again, there's nothing like steam heat to warm the cockles of a spaceman's soul as he/she traverses the cold depths of interplanetary space.
I've turned off the steam heat, because it's bad for my complexion.
Start oil piping steam heat tracing.
Shut off the oil piping steam heat tracing.
U.K.- and Canada-based Clean Power Technologies is exploring rail applications for a hybrid power steam technology that uses heat captured from exhaust, says president and chief executi...[More]
英国和位于加拿大的清洁动力技术公司Canada-based CleanPower Technologies 的总裁兼首席执行官阿布达 米撒Abdul Mitha说,该公司正在为混合动力蒸汽技术探索在铁路方面的应用,这种技术使用的能源来自尾气。
Keep your eye on this frontier, steam heat from the earth may one day help keep you warm.
This paper points out problems on energy consumption and gives some measures on energy conservation, which result from energy balance analysis of steam heat exchange system of an alkali factory.
This paper points out problems on energy consumption and gives some measures on energy conservation, which result from energy balance analysis of steam heat exchange system of an alkali factory.