It is difficult to steel the razor.
It's as if the price of steel had dropped so close to zero that King Gillette could give away both razor and blade, and make his money on something else entirely.
这好比钢铁的价格几乎下降为零,以致于King Gillette能够将剃刀和刀片双双派送,他完全可通过其它产品或服务赚钱。
The practical investigation on the razor blade of scissors of steel plate was conducted and it's life was improved notablely.
These methods and systems are suitable for use in various oxidation processes for the coloration of heat treated steel, for example razor blade steel.
With their horses, steel half plate armour, lances, and razor sharp steel swords, these men are absolutely devastating against the indigenous warriors of Mexico.
With their horses, steel half plate armour, lances, and razor sharp steel swords, these men are absolutely devastating against the indigenous warriors of Mexico.