Description: This is the website of the Centre for Stem Cell Biology.
One of the most important issues in stem cell biology is understanding the mechanisms that regulate self-renewal .
Over the last two decades, hematopoietic development from embryonic stem cells has been one of the most active areas of stem cell biology.
Sessions on cardiovascular lineage specification and stem cell biology will emphasize common molecular mechanisms with therapeutic potential in heart regeneration.
The field of stem cell biology interfaces with many areas of basic biology including developmental biology, tissue growth and homeostasis, regeneration, cancer and aging.
Its scope of the science spans such diverse areas as cell cycle progression, cell differentiation, oncogenesis, chromosome biology, neuronal guidance and stem cell biology.
Peter Andrews, director of the Centre for Stem cell Biology at the University of Sheffield, says the MIT team's key advance is suppressing the cell's immune response to RNA.
Rapid advances in stem cell biology have raised exciting possibilities of replacing damaged or lost tissues and cells by activation of in vitro-expanded stem cells or their progeny.
Prof Oreffo added: "It is important to realise the ability to retain skeletal stem cell phenotype using surface topography offers a step change in current approaches for stem cell biology.
Current models of stem cell biology assume that normal and neoplastic stem cells reside at the apices of hierarchies and differentiate into nonstem progeny in a unidirectional manner.
However, recent advances in molecular biology, genetics, and stem cell biology have provided scientists a new window onto the impact of toxic substances on the cellular and molecular level.
Dugesia japonica is well known for its extraordinary regenerative ability, and platyhelminthes are excellent models for the study of stem cell biology, regeneration, evolutionary and development.
The field of stem-cell biology is clearly one where caution is advisable and ACT knows this better than most.
How these biological findings may inform regenerative medicine and stem-cell biology and therapeutics will be considered and discussed.
Undertake national research projects and study in the field of hypertension, vascular biology and atherosclerosis, shear stress and vascular protection, application of stem cell transplantation.
OBJECTIVE:The epidermis stem cell is a key source of skin occurrence repair reconstruction, but its biology function is still not clear.
OBJECTIVE:The epidermis stem cell is a key source of skin occurrence repair reconstruction, but its biology function is still not clear.