In justified cases it may be also acceptable to sterilise the media.
You can also sterilise equipment by boiling it in water for at least 10 minutes.
Sterilise bottles, teats and utensils by boiling or using an approved sterilizing agent.
You must sterilise the bottles, teats and pump in the same way as if using formula milk.
The central bank can try to "sterilise" the impact of bigger reserves by selling securities to mop up the excess liquidity.
This may be why countries have been able to sterilise large amounts of foreign reserves without attracting yet more capital.
And therefore it is extremely important you clean your hands with water and sterilise afterwards with herbs such as juniper and sage.
Because its financial infrastructure is a little shaky, the central bank is not completely able to "sterilise" its foreign-currency transactions.
After a series of heated hearings the city has decided to spend $150,000 on getting sharpshooters to kill 100 deer and veterinarians to sterilise another 100.
The products give us peace of mind and solved the problem of decontaminating products which are constantly handled but are unpractical to sterilise on a daily basis.
Since the average maturity of the Fed's bond holdings is five to ten years, the Fed will have to find a way to mop up, or "sterilise", the related bank reserves for a long time.
Since the average maturity of the Fed's bond holdings is five to ten years, the Fed will have to find a way to mop up, or "sterilise", the related bank reserves for a long time.