They must recognize some grounds for making strategic choices.
Evaluate the strategic choices available to an organization.
Product differentiation is one of the common strategic choices in the market competition.
This article discusses the influence of guanxi on internationalization entry mode strategic choices.
It has become an important issue for us to search the right way to bui Id the E-government of ourselves and make the strategic choices.
The third chapter analyses TNCs' strategic choices about its service functions' offshoring and outsourcing from the corporation's point of view.
On the basis of defining standards strategy, it discusses an enterprise's strategic choices in competition to win the standards and after its formation.
Agricultural surplus labor comprises two parts of absolute surplus and relative one, the discrepancies between which determines their different strategic choices.
To reverse the service failure caused by customer churn, and the consequences of decline in corporate profits, service recovery has become an indispensable strategic choices.
They assume that there is some possibility of predicting the consequences of strategic choices (for example, predictions abased on structural market analysis), but no prediction can be perfect.
The notion of strategic situation in which discretional choices are assumed to be made to affect outcomes constitutes the very basis of strategic theorizing and research.
Strategic decision makers are assumed to behave rationally in the sense that when they make strategic decisions they are assumed to have some good reasons to make choices among alternatives.
The Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) in 2006 explicitly stated an intention to "shape the choices of countries at strategic crossroads.
五角大楼在2006年发布的《美国四年防务评估报告》(Quadrennial Defense Review)中明确的表达出“影响别国战略决策”的意图。
From a strategic security standpoint, Japan may have few other choices than to continue a strong alliance with the United States.
So we must take precautions, make the necessary strategic coordination and industrial choices.
Based on the above discussions, the paper focuses on the choices of learning path and strategic management of different organizational learning and reform of structure.
But, we see a China facing a strategic crossroads. Questions remain about the basic choices China's leaders will make as China's power and influence grow, particularly its military power.
The Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) in 2006 explicitly stated an intention to "shape the choices of countries at strategic crossroads."
五角大楼在2006年发布的《美国四年防务评估报告》(Quadrennial Defense Review)中明确的表达出“影响别国战略决策”的意图。
The Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) in 2006 explicitly stated an intention to "shape the choices of countries at strategic crossroads."
五角大楼在2006年发布的《美国四年防务评估报告》(Quadrennial Defense Review)中明确的表达出“影响别国战略决策”的意图。