They taught us how to strip down a car engine and put it back together again.
In five years I had to strip the water pump down four times.
He had long laughter lines that creased from the corners of his eyes all the way down to his narrow strip of beard.
A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white beard drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.
"I saw it turn and start heading down like it was diving to come in for a landing, but there's no landing [strip]," he said.
The premiere and promos suggest that future episodes strip contestants down in order to build them up, like EST or Marine Corps basic training.
You can, for example, "strip down" a process to contain a minimal subset of its content by removing packages that contain elements of work that you do not want to perform.
Strip your existence down until it is naked, and you will see that what you need is not very complicated.
Aid workers report that even the clan feuds that have plagued the strip are being toned down from gun battles to fisticuffs.
The power adapter has been shrunk down to a one-inch cube, so it doesn't hog an extra spot on your power strip.
A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white soul patch drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.
The Tory desire to strip down relations with Europe, as if Britain might become a giant Norway or Switzerland outside the club, makes no sense either.
In one surprising finding, Povinelli correctly predicted that light being guided down a strip of silicon would exert a mechanical force on an adjacent strip.
International banking regulators are preparing to strip down their recommendations on how to ensure the industry's financial strength, following months of wrangling.
On one of my corn strips, only 12 feet wide and about 400 feet long, there is, half way down one strip, a six inch gully created by a rain so heavy it melted a salt block in the pasture nearby.
When you don't know your core passions and are staring out over the bridge, it's good to back off and strip everything down.
The challenge is to make sure data mining doesn't become data strip mining - that we don't burn down the forest to make a lot of money quick but with no long term value.
If you strip that down to the bare essence of the data, you can encode the same event using JSON.
In that case, you can take advantage of Geronimo's modularity and strip it down by removing the Web container.
What Twitter did was strip away all the clutter found on so many social networks and pare things down to their essence.
You may need to strip it down to the minimum.
The firm also showed off a recycling robot called Liam which can strip down old iPhones into their components for reuse.
But where you are, and what gender you belong to, may determine just how much you can strip down.
Sometimes, she says, the key is to strip down the technology to streamline a product, so it doesn't need as many buttons or as large a battery.
Like a smoking and non-smoking section, the restaurant will have a naked and non-naked section, and a changing room for those who want to strip down while they chow down.
Like a smoking and non-smoking section, the restaurant will have a naked and non-naked section, and a changing room for those who want to strip down while they chow down.