Their claim has been supported by recent strong NAV growth at a rate outstripping any benchmark.
The latest edition of the World Bank's twice-yearly economic survey of East Asia and the Pacific shows growth in the region moderating from 2004's exceptionally strong rate of 7.2 percent.
It's expected that Burkina's comparatively strong rate of growth-running at more than 5% on average for the last decade-will decline to about 3.5% this year.
The real culprits are the strong global growth rate and turmoil in the Middle East.
Consumers have shrugged off the housing slowdown thus far: real consumer spending is still growing at annual rate of some 3%, thanks largely to strong job and wage growth.
If strong Allies like South Korea continue to shift away from the dollar, it will be a drag on the U.S. economic growth rate, as domestic savings would have to rise to fill in the gap.
This had been close to 70%, but unexpectedly strong growth in jobs and then retail sales in November has caused some in the markets to think a rate cut less likely.
Strong growth in unit wage costs against the backdrop of a tight-looking jobs market might limit the Fed's scope for rate cuts.
Ryegrass is a kind of good succulent fodder for its rapid growth rate, strong stooling, good reproducing property and high yield.
Final sales growth slowed sharply during the fourth quarter of that year and inventories surged, but growth recovered to a strong 3.7 percent rate during 1988.
It was found that the changes of breathing intensity showed a strong correlation with the growth rate of mycelium, which could be used to determine the mycelium growth state.
Mr Isaac Ampeire, the Batu company secretary, attributed the strong growth to higher cigarette sales volumes and exchange rate benefits arising from a weaker Shilling on the leaf export revenues.
The result shows that there exists strong correlation between credit distribution and economic growth, and the growth rate of credit is the Granger cause of economic growth rate;
The number of international visitors to the United States rose by 8% to 201 million, but the growth rate in North America is only about half, in part because of the strong dollar.
Admittedly, the very strong year-on-year rate of economic growth-the fastest since the fourth quarter of 2002-is misleading.
Admittedly, the very strong year-on-year rate of economic growth-the fastest since the fourth quarter of 2002-is misleading.