Ryan calls himself "a normal boy" and likes to play ice hockey when he's not in school or traveling around the world talking to other students about himself and his work.
This is what Xiong Yuanyi said when he was having a discussion on the topic related to the popular culture with the students from Chinese Normal School in Hankou.
In order to understand the influence of network behavior on the tertiary level students, normal school of Pingdingshan College conducted mental health survey among 300 students.
Thee normal practice at school (or at least in most Chinese schools) is that the students take the teachers as they are, accept what are taught and do what they are told to do.
To this end I am teaching at the Normal School of Fine Arts in often infiltration of paper-cut one, introduced to the students.
Methods a questionnaire survey of health risk behaviors in last year was conducted on 919 random samples among children's normal school students by cross-sectional study.
Since the commencement of national tuition assistance policy, it is very important in easing the economic pressure of poor students and maintaining the normal order of school.
It is found out that the majority of Normal School students fail to use learning strategies in vocabulary learning.
The major task of higher education in normal schools is the realization of changing normal school students from their quantity content to quality improvement.
At present, GIS system is the most integrated system to analyze geographic environment, a good carrier to cultivate normal school students in terms of integrate practical activity.
Objective To explore the influence of education environment on the normal school students' psychological health in the low-economic area.
According gto witnesses, because the heavy duty truck brake, ran into a normal driving the school bus, leading to many students were injured in the car.
Founded in Zhejiang No. 1 Normal School in 1914, Seal Lovers Society is the first society for seal study consisting of teachers and students, among whom were elite of fine arts education circles.
Founded in Zhejiang No. 1 Normal School in 1914, Seal Lovers Society is the first society for seal study consisting of teachers and students, among whom were elite of fine arts education circles.