If you watch your diet, then you won't have to suffer the pain of going on a diet.
Many are injured, or suffer the pain of losing loved ones, and the majority sustain property damage.
The Canadian Supreme Court has found that many of these individuals suffer chronic pain and that some die awaiting treatment.
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Chen and her boyfriend are not the only couple who suffer from the pain of departure, of course.
Suffer me now to tell thee of the world's pain, and it may be that thou wilt hearken.
Our competition will most likely suffer the same pain when for some reason OSGi goes out of fashion, or some cooler component model comes along.
This group of symptoms (mainly pelvic, rectal, and abdominal pain, urinary frequency, and fatigue) has confounded physicians, psychologists, and the men who suffer from it for decades.
But for those who suffer the chronic pain of arthritis, it is a hopeful start.
If the first step out of bed results in heel pain, then there is a good chance that you may suffer from a condition called "plantar fasciitis."
More people suffer from pain than from heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined, but many of the drugs used to relieve suffering are not completely effective or have harmful side effects.
Some athletes may suffer a sudden abdominal pain during the race, which is often caused by insufficient warming-up exercise, a cold weather so that a lot of cold air is inhaled, or running too fast.
Research shows that people who suffer from stomach pain, heartburn, or acid reflux once a week, have an 8 times higher chance of having esophageal cancer compared to the average person.
Many thousands more suffer less severe but still debilitating injuries that are far worse than the physical pain of scraped skin or even broken bones.
The speeches of Elihu contradict the fundamental teachings of the genuine poem of Job, according to which it is impossible that the righteous should suffer, all pain being a punishment for some sin.
A quarter of women suffer pain lasting between one and three days starting at the relatively young age of 34, the survey found.
To empathize literally means "to suffer with, " to share the pain of other beings so entirely that their agony becomes our own.
As a result, the animals suffer immense pain mentally and physically every second of their lives.
I think there's a lot of pain that we're gonna suffer both in terms of corporate defaults, unemployment, growth rates in the economy or the indicators pointing in that direction.
Casey at the University of Michigan explained that people who suffer from chronic pain conditions can be coached to relieve some of their symptoms by altering how they thought.
Therefore, I always harbor in mind sympathy and respect to those who suffer from the pain of disability but wear a smile to live.
We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
I think, in part, we mythologize sacrifice, ennoble it with layer upon layer of redemptive they-did-not-suffer-and-die-in-vain meaning, because it enables us to bear the pain of loss.
And chronic pain is a big problem in the U. S. More than 42 million Americans over the age of 20 suffer from chronic pain, which is also a leading cause of disability.
And chronic pain is a big problem in the U. S. More than 42 million Americans over the age of 20 suffer from chronic pain, which is also a leading cause of disability.