Value of criminal summary procedure includes the following analysis: Firstly, criminal summary procedure is the most effective measure to promote efficiency of criminal procedure law.
The core measures of criminal summary procedure is to determine the degree of formal court trial through setting procedure of packing up points of dispute before criminal court trial.
Forthly, in a narrow sense, criminal summary procedure includes procedure of civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings, a special form which civil action doesn't have.
In fact, most of the accused defendants are willing to plead guilty, so procedure of pleading guilty and sentencing is kind of criminal summary procedure possessing foresight and quality of practice.
Although our country set up the summary procedure while revising the criminal procedure law in 1996, but a lot of questions have existed in our country 's current criminal summary procedure.
Although our country set up the summary procedure while revising the criminal procedure law in 1996, but a lot of questions have existed in our country 's current criminal summary procedure.