My favorite movie star is Super Junior.
Since you don't know super junior. You don't wanna come with me?
Miracle-Super Junior, Super Junior 2005, this is the first SJ's song I heard, cute!
Groups such as Super Junior and 2ne1 now sell millions of CDs and concert tickets in other parts of Asia.
诸如super junior和2ne1等组合在韩国以外的其他亚洲地区售出了上百万cd及演唱会门票。
In China and Asia will be held to "Super Junior" named after the selection contest to further expand the influence of Super Junior.
在中国和亚洲地域将举行以“Super Junior”的名字命名的选拔大赛,进一步扩大Super Junior的影响力。
Siwon and Hankyung, members of the idol band Super Junior, visited China Wednesday as invited special guests on a lead Chinese entertainment show.
We know that many of you are confused by the news of Super Junior China. We would like to let you know the circumstances of progress and how we think about it.
我知道很多人都对SUPER JUNIORCHINA的新闻感到困惑,我们想让大家知道现在情况的进展和我们的想法。
When I asked him about Super Junior, he said that it was a very happy and memorable time in his life, but that he is focused on his work as a solo artist and actor.
Please let all other oversea fans know the news, and translate into your own language if possible. so we can all keep our Super Junior as thirteen, the number we love.
请海内的歌迷们知道这条新闻,并且假如能够,翻译成你们国度的语言,这样我们可以持续坚持Super Junior的十三个成员,和我们对他们的爱。
Please let all other oversea fans know the news, and translate into your own language if possible. so we can all keep our Super Junior as thirteen, the number we love.
请海内的歌迷们知道这条新闻,并且假如能够,翻译成你们国度的语言,这样我们可以持续坚持Super Junior的十三个成员,和我们对他们的爱。