Dr Kos, from Syracuse University in the us, told BBC News: "we were critical of those events when we saw them."
The Air Force issued orders for me to report to Syracuse University, School of Language, in Syracuse, n.y..
Other universities that participated in the project included Syracuse University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
"Citizens could be forgiven for forgetting that there is any connection between spending and taxes," says Len Burman, a tax expert at Syracuse University.
来自syracuse大学的税务专家Len Burman表示:“公民们忘记支出和税收之间的联系也是有情可原的。”
Researchers from Syracuse University, West Virginia University and the Geneva University Psychiatric Center retrospectively reviewed pertinent neuroimaging literature.
Men need to dress to impress: a survey conducted by anthropologist John Townsend and Gary Levy from Syracuse University showed that expensive clothing can lure women.
Economic research published at Syracuse University in America suggests that the more wealth that older people inherit, the more likely they are to quit the Labour market.
That's when he enrolled in a doctoral program in bioprocess engineering at State University of New York in Syracuse.
Fifteen out of the 17 did just that - graduating from Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, California State, Stanford, Brown, Syracuse and the University of Arkansas.
Fifteen out of the 17 did just that - graduating from Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, California State, Stanford, Brown, Syracuse and the University of Arkansas.