I'm interested in the criminal justice system of our country.
The second has us looking to the criminal justice system to cure behavior that is as much as anything the result of despair.
The criminal justice system is in need of urgent reform to prevent more people being wrongfully imprisoned.
The French, unused to the American criminal-justice system, have been particularly shaken by the sight of an unshaven, handcuffed Mr Strauss-Kahn being led away by New York’s finest[1].
Mr Webb is also pressing for a national review of the criminal-justice system, an idea that helps him with blacks, who make up a lopsided share of America’s prison population.
Mr Webb is also pressing for a national review of the criminal-justice system, an idea that helps him with blacks, who make up a lopsided share of America's prison population.
"Currently, a large number of people with severe mental illness receive their acute psychiatric inpatient treatment in the criminal-justice system rather than in the mental-health system," he writes.
They may be not be victims of violence, but they are real victims who are suffering real pain and we should have a criminal justice system that responds accordingly.
"We have proven," said Mr Gallagher, "that if the criminal-justice system is not capable of delivering some justice, at least civil law is."
Theories and existing practices of legal justice are thus critical to evaluate what international society has designed to institute a criminal legal system on a global plane.
The defence system is of great importance in realizing the objective of values of criminal litigation, ie, substantive justice, procedural justice, and the litigation efficiencys raising.
The criminal lawsuits evidence show system, which is one of the basic systems of accusing and defending criminal lawsuit, should be in agreement with the requirement of procedure justice.
At present, we should standardize the identification system of criminal investigation in order to give service to investigation based on fairness and justice.
Criminologists have long recognized that sanction justice influences the citizen's compliance with the sanction, the deterrent effect of sanction and the authority of criminal justice system.
While in criminal procedural law, system of default-judgment is absent, which obeys the idea of economic lawsuit and goes against realization of justice.
Fair trial is not only the optimal value choice of various countries' criminal justice system, but also an everlasting topic about the court trial in the human history.
In a society of modern legal system, determining a crime accurately and imposing sentence appropriately are two basic demands in the whole criminal administration of justice.
The third chapter analyses the non-justice of the system of prosecution withdrawal from the point of view of the aim and value of the criminal procedure.
The third chapter analyses the non-justice of the system of prosecution withdrawal from the point of view of the aim and value of the criminal procedure.