In operating systems, a system call, also known as a system service request, is the mechanism an application USES to request service from the operating system's kernel.
Our client is now connected to an ORB, but our goal is to call to a service that is provided elsewhere in our system. We need to locate the object that will respond to our request.
When an application calls this service, a service routes the request to the appropriate back-end system.
This enrichment is done within the request flow by calling out to a customer information system, implemented using a Service Invoke primitive.
The client may experience a system exception during the invocation, or the service provider may experience a business or system exception while servicing the request.
In such a scenario, an incoming service request is evaluated based on the incoming parameters (URL, headers, and request parameters) and system status (date, load, and so on).
In this article, I show you how to create a system that USES your browser to request and interact with Web service data from an arbitrary source.
The remote system address and port will be configured to forward the request to the targeted web service endpoint.
The Web service consuming the request first attempts to authenticate the token; that is, find out if the requestor is a valid user in the system.
The system forwards the request to the healthcare provider for approval (that is, invokes the makeReservation Web service) (3.4) and finally confirms the reservation to the patient.
I repeat the process in the third scenario of having the Retail ID Web service to call, load, and send a search request to the Retail Management System (see Figure 4).
The Dispatchers of a system will ensure the request is routed to a service instance of the right service type which will handle the request and relay back the result to the client.
A broker that enables a consumer to invoke a Web service asynchronously is implemented using a messaging system that USES message queues for sending the request and receiving the response.
After the quality warranty, the supplier shall still provide service to the system and respond to any maintenance request within 48 hours.
A node may request a service from another peer, or the node may in fact provide such a service to other peers in the system.
Based on the unified data modeling, this resolution realizes the uniform request service to distributed heterogeneous spatial data by metadata and multi-database system.
Highly efficient video server refers to the one that can maximize the service to request on the condition of limited system resources, and at the same time, can provide more reliable services.
The structure of system is complex. In the system, high stability, interfaces of good universality and good compatibility to different grade of service request are requested.
To continuously improve our management, we make efforts for promoting product quality and service level, which are strictly according to the request of ISO9001 international quality system.
But different enterprises for third party logistics providers provide system and service integration request is not the same.
Finally, this paper discussed the software system design based on above hardware platform, including the DSP initialization program, the interrupt request service and speech coding.
It's widely used in call center and telephone banking system. Because customers in these systems will probably request a extra service.
Multi-protocol, multi-service and concurrent design of client-side and customer-side apply the capability that treat request of multithreading con-current and mobile to the system.
Multi-protocol, multi-service and concurrent design of client-side and customer-side apply the capability that treat request of multithreading con-current and mobile to the system.