The Allied Expeditionary Air Force, comprising the British 2nd Tactical Group and the USAAF 9th AAF, was set up almost a year before the actual landing.
Overhead, specially marked black and white striped Allied Expeditionary Air Force aircraft owned the sky. Tactical bombers were hammering the whole northwest coast.
It's an all-weather, extremely maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to permit the air Force to gain and maintain air superiority in aerial combat.
F - 15是一种全天候高机动性战术战斗机,用于空中优势作战任务。
The Sukhoi Su-7 (NATO codename of "Fitter-A") is a single seat ground attack aircraft that was long a standard tactical fighter-bomber with the Soviet Air Force.
苏霍伊苏- 7(北约的“钳工- A”的代号)是一种单座地面攻击飞机,很长一个标准的战术战斗机与苏联空军的轰炸机。
Midland is a large show, so each year it's able to get a military tactical demonstration from the air force, the navy or sometimes both.
Midland is a large show, so each year it's able to get a military tactical demonstration from the air force, the navy or sometimes both.