He was doodling during the meeting as we were talking, and when he got up to leave the room I grabbed the paper he was doodling on, and he had doodled a complete, to scale, picture of a BlackBerry.
And Gaucci, talking to an Italian sports paper, continued raging against Ahn adding: "he was a phenomenon only when he played against Italy."
Clouds can communicate, a new paper suggests — but what are they talking about?
Some physical copper merchants are gloomier still, talking of a disconnect between “lacklustre” physical markets and their paper counterparts.
There were "behaviour issues", she recalls: "Kids fighting, throwing paper, talking back to the teacher, stuff like that."
Little, fluffy and talkative? Clouds can communicate, a new paper suggests — but what are they talking about?
But on Saturday his remarks had a distinct through line, anchored by the talking points his campaign had written down on pieces of paper.
He spent a lot of time talking and reading and delivered a paper round to earn some money.
The first is to present your paper in progress orally, talking through the argument from an outline which you will also give us.
And I'm not just talking about having it on paper.
Some physical copper merchants are gloomier still, talking of a disconnect between "lacklustre" physical markets and their paper counterparts.
In the first part of this paper, general problems of ego consciousness has been discussed, which lays a theoretical basis for talking about college students's ego consciousness.
This paper is mainly talking about efficient ingredients of Garlic, including the structure and function of Allicin and its application in medical health.
While he was talking to his secretary, he toyed with a piece of paper.
This paper is an analysis of women's communication styles and the reasons why women would like to employ such talking styles from the perspective of discourse analysis.
We'll give them a paper test -- no computers, no talking to each other, etc.
Talking about the variety of the paper release silicone and its use. Emphasis on the solvent paper silicone.
Talking the computer programming algorithm and modular design technology are applied to the PLC control software in this paper.
They are finding problems on paper and talking and showing audited party how to do, but not able to resolve them in fact.
Considering the content, this paper is mainly talking about four parts: the first part is the first two chapters.
The paper put theories above into practice by talking about the "Electronic Atlas of Ecological Environment in Fijian" product are introduced.
Talking the engineering of B1-B2 Building of Taiyuan Liuxiang Commercial Mall as the example, this paper briefly introduces the Design and construction of the deep-agitated cement-soil pile-wall.
Talking the engineering of B1-B2 Building of Taiyuan Liuxiang Commercial Mall as the example, this paper briefly introduces the Design and construction of the deep-agitated cement-soil pile-wall.