The increment tax on land value is a new type of tax in China.
Property taxes are assessed on market value, and if developed, the land would have contributed significantly to the county's overall annual tax revenue.
This low tax on land was part of the reason for the property bubbles in these countries, because untaxed land value was paid to Banks, which, in turn, lent it out to bid up prices all the more.
Chapter Three, Four and Five study on tax planning of business tax, corporate income tax and land value added tax for real estate development companies separately.
The land Value Appreciation Tax is actually based on the consolidated proceeds derived from the transfer of land and buildings.
Land tax is calculated on the combined value of all the taxable land you own above the land tax threshold.
At last, to inspect the land value tax including identification of land value, land value tax and the relationship between the old land tax, land value tax on the role of equalization of land rights.
The land value increment tax payable on such transfer may be accrued and deferred until the next transfer of such land by the transferee company.
The land value increment tax payable on such transfer may be accrued and deferred until the next transfer of such land by the transferee company.