That's surely a teachable moment, " Jackson said."
Yesterday's experience was a teachable moment for my children.
For whatever reason, however, the teachable moment came and went with nothing learned.
That should bring the parent closer to their child, enhancing that teachable moment, he said.
In the end, those of us who expected the crisis to provide a teachable moment were right, but not in the way we expected.
Although Obama had invited Crowley and Gates as part of what he called a "teachable moment," it was barely seen by the masses.
While the world is agog over international transmission of the swine flu, let me take this teachable moment to remind people, animals bite back.
We should use that hospital visit as a teachable moment to educate these patients on how they can improve their health and offer them counseling and referral programs for drug cessation.
These were not egregious parenting errors but I was bothered by the fact that none of these parents were making this a teachable moment and TALKING to THEIR CHILD about the trip to the mall.
These were not egregious parenting errors but I was bothered by the fact that none of these parents were making this a teachable moment and TALKING to THEIR CHILD about the trip to the mall.