Consumer electronics: What does the success of Bluetooth wireless technology reveal about standards battles?
You’d think CES would be a good indicator of the major technology trends in electronics.
However, Will Stewart, of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, points out that plane electronics are designed not to operate on the same frequency as gadgets used by passengers.
We realized that almost all - maybe all - of future consumer electronics, the primary technology was going to be software.
A research group at the University of Illinois has developed technology that may have lasting implications for electric vehicles (EVs) and other electronics.
In electronics factories vision technology has become a vital part of the testing process.
Are they learning fast enough and broadly enough, in terms of engineering and technology like fluid dynamics, electronics, stealth to be able to keep up with the state of the art?
Just as electronics defined swathes of the 20th century, the company believes green technology and health care will be central to the 21st.
USB technology is now used on virtually all computing devices globally as well as the lion's share of consumer electronics products.
One company that has already received government money for research and development is a division of Lite-On Technology, the electronics supplier.
已得到到该开发与研究基金资助的一家公司就是那个电子供应商Lite - On科技的子公司。
Mr Balcom's firm has licensed its fuel-cell membrane technology to several large electronics firms, including NEC and Sanyo, the world's biggest maker of rechargeable batteries.
At the Consumer Electronics Show being held in Las Vegas between January 7th and 10th, more than a dozen companies will introduce a variety of new products for mobile television technology.
And mobile TV was one of the big trends at the world's largest technology fair, the Consumer Electronics Show, which took place in Las Vegas this week.
So it would make sense for Lytro to someday license its technology to existing cell phone makers instead of jumping into yet another cutthroat, saturated and commoditized consumer electronics market.
SprayCool patented two-phase liquid cooling technology USES a fine mist of non-corrosive, non-conductive liquid, sprayed in a thin layer, which evaporates and cools electronics.
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., one of the members of IBM's "fab club" or technology alliance, recently rolled out its 20-nm process, which is based on bulk CMOS.
Murarka wouldn't say which consumer electronics makers plan to use the new version of Flash, but the technology is available to device makers and application developers now.
Obviously, deployment of such a system depends on consumer electronics firms and broadcasters, but Pouwelse's job is to make sure that the technology is ready when they are.
However, in recent years wireless sensors have become practical, thanks to the miniaturization of electronics and improvements in battery and radio technology.
Sensors are not only being added to devices that already have electronics on them, but being put on to things that were formerly bare of any technology at all.
The electronics industry is taking advantage of micro and nano-fabrication technology by using it in bio-technology sensing, optical filtering and light control components.
Of course, the researchers were quick to point out that the technology is still a long way off from being able to power normal electronics.
Both sides should explore new areas and forms of co-operation, giving priority to collaboration in space exploration, communications, energy, nuclear energy, electronics and high technology.
Following the success of 3d films in movie theaters, home electronics manufacturers are hoping that 3d technology will entice consumers to buy new TV sets and Blu-ray players.
A team of Duke University chemists say they've perfected a way to mass produce copper nanowires, a technology that could have a wide impact on the electronics industry.
Area employers include Harris Corp., Northrop Grumman, Rossi Electronics, and the Florida Institute of Technology.
The technology of power electronics will have a broad future in power system.
The technology of power electronics will have a broad future in power system.