They act at least a temporary block to DNA synthesis in micro - organisms.
The network may allocate a temporary flow identity and assign a packet downlink resource comprising one PDCH for a downlink temporary block flow.
The establishment of a downlink temporary block flow may be initiated by the RR entity on the network side using the packet downlink assignment procedure.
Normally, the extracting soil areas firstly need to temporally store the surface soil, meanwhile, temporary block measures, temporary drainage projects and temporary cover should be taken.
If the sorted data cannot fit entirely into the sort heap, which is a block of memory that is allocated each time a sort is performed, it overflows into a temporary table owned by the database.
Because the ELF objects are based at offset 0 (until relocation), the convenience variables include the relative offset into the temporary memory block.
Each section in the temporary ELF block is iterated, and those that need to be around for execution are copied into the new block.
Then the client flushes the block of data from the local temporary file to the specified DataNode.
客户端将本地临时文件flush到指定的 Datanode上。
If your email traffic patterns and content appear spam-like, sender reputation processing may frequently add your IP address to the organization's temporary IP Block list.
Emergency communication is the temporary communication applied in the situation of communication break or block caused by accidents.
The data block includes a temporary definition structure. The temporary definition structure includes at least one pointer to information in the temporary defect management area.
An occasional temporary stoppage or extreme slowing of the pulse as a result of heart block, causing dizziness, fainting, and sometimes convulsions.
Conclusion: Once a patient was confirmed by electrocardiogram (ECG) as severe atrioventricular block, medication should be applied in time and if necessary, temporary pacemaker installment as well.
Results:The electrocardiogram in 27 patients represented as temporary incomplete right bundle brunch block(IRBBB) after operation.
结果:27例患者进行导管消融术后出现短暂的不完全性右束支阻滞(IR BBB)的心电图表现。
The data block includes sequential recording information and a temporary definition structure.
Temporary counterclockwise atrial flutter was induced by pacing at coronary sinus ostium in 1 case with clockwise block in the isthmus.
The data structure on the recording medium includes a temporary defect management area storing a data block.
记录介质上的*结构包括存储*块的临时缺陷*区。 数 据块包括顺序记录信息和临时定义结构。
Temporary clockwise atrial flutter was induced by pacing at low lateral right atrium in 3 cases with the counterclockwise block in the isthmus.
She subsequently developed complete atrioventricular block and a temporary intravenous pacemaker was applied.
She subsequently developed complete atrioventricular block and a temporary intravenous pacemaker was applied.