The mining companies point out the huge benefits the project brings in terms of employment, tax revenue and foreign exchange.
Emerging economies, in net terms, have exported capital to the rich world as their central Banks have built up vast quantities of foreign-exchange reserves.
Thee exchange rate is the price of foreign currency in terms of domestic currency, and it varies from time to time.
Foreign exchange rates refer to the price to buy another currency or the value of one currency in terms of another.
We have credited your account in terms of RMB after conversion in accordance with current foreign exchange quotation.
Determine the size of the foreign exchange reserves for the theoretical study and practical terms is not only the focus but also difficulty.
In terms of cultural exchange, it not only succeeds traditional chinese culture, but also actively absorbs the essence of foreign culture;
In terms of market terminology, this means increasing emphasis on achieving delivery versus payment for transactions in financial products and payment versus payment for foreign exchange transactions.
Handling the legal matters in terms of commercial notes, foreign exchange, letter of credit, loan guarantee, insurance remedy claim, trust, etc.
Compared with the emerging market countries, the scale of China's external debt is fairly reasonable in terms of GDP and foreign exchange reserves right now.
Compared with the emerging market countries, the scale of China's external debt is fairly reasonable in terms of GDP and foreign exchange reserves right now.