The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.
The enemy would always have the advantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.
He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand.
The circular ger can be assembled quickly by nomadic herders in the harsh terrain.
Unfortunately, the terrain of the mountains in that region extends up to 2,000 feet.
This alien terrain tended by robots is still a while away, he says "but it will happen."
Venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home.
Governing terrain and choosing your battlefields are perhaps the most crucial skills of a wise and successful warrior.
No teammates can help. You're alone. It's you against the snow, the mountains, the terrain, yourself. You're a warrior.
"No teammates can help. You're alone. It's you against the snow, the mountains, the terrain, yourself. You're a warrior."
They usually operated in bands between ten and twenty strong and relied for survival on difficult terrain and bad transport.
County X and County Y have similar terrain, but the population density of County X is significantly higher than that of County Y.
X县和Y 县的地形相似,但 X 县的人口密度显著高于 Y 县。
It initially surprises us that many of their cities were not built next to the rivers but instead on high terrain in rolling uplands.
We believe that if animals ran the labs, they would test us to determine the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain.
The surface mark of an established plume is a hot spot—an isolated region of volcanoes and uplifted terrain located far from the edge of a surface plate.
Boats could carry heavy weights, but canals could not cross hilly terrain; turnpikes could cross the hills, but the roadbeds could not stand up under great weights.
"The fire is particularly complex given the weather, the large quantity of fuel, the terrain and the proximity of residential areas," a statement from the fire department said.
The truck bumped its way over the rough terrain.
Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.
We left the rough track and bumped our way over a rugged mountainous terrain.
Asia, with its multiplicity of cultures and customs, is a particularly difficult terrain.
Holding these in your hands aids balance, which is great if you're older or if you're on slippery terrain.
However, the larger the terrain used to support a group, the harder it is to exploit that terrain while remaining in one place.
Pilots can fly above a war zone and drop thousands of small wireless sensors, the size of a small pebble and costing a dollar apiece, over the terrain.
There is a good reason why the UK is dominated by animal husbandry: most of its terrain doesn't have the right soil or climate to grow crops on a commercial basis.
Venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home: farming is out of the question and nature offers meagre pickings.
A bird's-eye view of China would indicate that China's terrain descends in four steps from west to east.
The time isn't as important as the terrain; but the terrain isn't as important as unity with the people.
天时不如地利, 地利不如人和。
Riding small native Irish horses, 'hobins", which are well suited to the marshes and rugged terrain of Ireland, the Gaelic Hobiguir are able to outmaneuvre heavier cavalry with ease."