Well, how about the text style?
The text formatter assists the text style sheet.
The code for setting the text style attributes is shown in listing 2.
设置文本样式属性的代码如清单2 所示。
It greatly influenced the formation of the text style of the novel.
The graphic design team may adjust the text style in the graphic as needed.
Finally, if there are other tags, xml2pdf.xsl sets the text style to normal.
最后,如果有其他标签,xml2pdf . xsl把文本样式设置为普通样式。
On the toolbar, you will see a drop-down box showing the text style currently in use.
The theory of poetic formal distinctions studies the text style & feature, which has a distinctive critical means.
It is not only text style and reading result, but also narrate strategy of the writer's art idea and realistic attitude.
Like language itself, text style can assume an intermediary state, especially when a translator treats an isolated text.
Some of these differences change the layout of the elements, while others modify the colors, font, text style, and background.
Of course, the text style is not like that. But for myself, I can do whatever I like to do in my paintings; even I can simply draw one hand in it.
Be consistent in your design. Each page should have the same fonts (text style), the same navigation links, the same general layout, the same color scheme, etc.
From text style to the creation of characters, from the "anti-tradition" mode to rhetorical narration, the similarities of the text level just constitute a comparison of novels.
The important factor to form a writers's literary narrative style, text style and personal feature is language, and language is the important mark of level of literary in an era.
To display the font you prefer, change the text style, which includes font, size, and so on through blox attributes. Listing 1 illustrates how to change the text style through blox attributes.
Here, we need to wrap the selected text into the selected style tags and replace the selected text in the document with this new string.
To change the text alignment, you must adjust the style sheet parameters that control the buttons on the page.
Now you can see all text within the document that matches the style.
We just loop over the characters of the text and add a new style range to this text presentation instance for each XML tag found in the text.
For example, a content assistant could generate typical HTML structures such as tables or links, or could wrap selected text areas into style tags.
We'll explain how the editor changes text color and font style based on the structure of the source code.
When a text range is selected in the editor, we want to offer a collection of style tags with which this text can be wrapped.
Listing 4 shows the stylesheet entry that defines the style of the text in the sortable column.
Let's look at an example of how you can manage text alignment with a style sheet.
Our suggestion about consistency of style in the warranty text holds for pictures as well.
This way, we can use a background image instead, but still present the text heading when no style is applied.
The last three styling rules shown here align and style the text and provide new background images for the embedded items that represent the drop-down lists.
Careful use of color, size and style of text is used in the design phase to underscore important elements and make others less prominent.
Once you click on the style that is already applied, the drop down box allows you to select all instances of text that have this style applied.