Let's thank God for this inspiring example!
Let us thank God for this great deliverance and his mercies.
O dearest Charles, let me thank God for this on my knees as Ihave prayed to Him.
We would to thank God for this opportunity and privilege to perform this oratorio.
I thank God for this opportunity to share with you my journey for the last two years in TTC and also I would like to invite you to pray for my journey ahead.
Oh my God, I thank Thee for this happiness.
"We thank God for the miracle granted to this archipelago," he told national radio.
He said, simply: "Thank God." The Confederate commander, General Lee, said: "This has been a sad day for us, a sad day."
However, if we take time to find the other meaning of Christmas in its simplest term, it is a season to thank God for everything we have for this year.
I lost 343 brothers down there, nine years ago on this terrible day and I am here to say my prayers and thank God that we are still here and to pray for their families and to never forget, my man.
God our Father, we thank you for this good land of ours, for the blessings of home, school, and church.
We'll read this story every year to thank for the kindness of God. We'll also have unleavened bread.
Dear god, thank you for bringing us all together on this very special day, and for allowing our children to be happy in whatever way they choose to be.
Once again I will say this: I am very proud of what I have accomplished and I thank God for everything!
I'm giving you this card to keep as a reminder that I thank god daily for you, for us, for our time together, for your hugs, your kisses, the feel of my hand in yours.
We thank God for his faithful providence and protection through the years and it is in this attitude of gratitude that we now join our voices in praise.
Priest: Erik and Lingling like to thank you all for this very special day, and may god bless you all.
For all of this I say: thank God and thank you.
This sad fact should help us understand our own lack of thanks and should encourage us to often say "thank you" to God for all his blessings.
I thank God for thinking enough of me to bless me with such a wonderful woman and I cherish his gift and this opportunity to continue learning how to really love.
On this day, people express gratitude to God for his blessings and also thank their dear ones, for their love and support.
And I wanna thank God for giving me whatever faith I have had in my life to endure whatever it is we endure and to get this kind of luck and all these people talking about me.
I know this, which is why I wake up feeling lucky every day and I thank God I'm playing for Manchester United.
Dear God, thank You for bringing us all together on this very special day, and for allowing our children to be happy in whatever way they choose to be.
Dear God, thank You for bringing us all together on this very special day, and for allowing our children to be happy in whatever way they choose to be.