I know that it seems difficult for you, but it will help you build up your confidence.
Every morning, when she puts on her new scarf, she feels so happy that it seems the whole day is full of hope.
That it seems to call out to me from forty years ago.
It sounds barmy, but the weird thing is that it seems to work.
Not very dream-like except that it seems like a dream cometrue.
The scenery is so fantastic that it seems as if you are in a fairyland.
To their astonishment, they discovered that it seems to do the exact opposite.
A special feature of Chinese civilization is that it seems to have no beginning.
that it seems inconceivable that it could suffer a fate similar to that of Portugal or Greece.
We conclude that it seems to work best to use headlines with the font size between 17 and 25px.
我们的结论是似乎大标题使用17- 25像素的字号是最佳选择。
Regularly journaling helps you get into the habit of writing, so that it seems like less of a chore.
Indeed, a senior executive of IKEA says that it seems harder to open a store in Kiev than in Moscow.
SOME creatures are so stunningly beautiful that it seems a tragedy they should be allowed to vanish.
It's when you're sitting in your house, thinking about running and feeling tired, that it seems hard.
One of the problems of getting to the bottom of memory is that it seems to play tricks on the brain sometimes.
ML: OSGi has been around for quite a while, but it's only recently that it seems to have received a lot of attention.
No jetlag: a positive benefit of polyphasic sleep is that it seems unlikely you'll have a problem with jetlag ever again.
SOME new technologies appear from nowhere. Others are heralded by such long fanfares that it seems they will never arrive.
What makes the firm so promising is that it seems to have discovered a new “space”, as digital cognoscenti call a big new market.
But after looking at the raw data that the iPhone stores, I want to point out that it seems that they are technically incorrect.
Debt ratios, relative to GDP, are so high that it seems unlikely that most developed economies can grow their way out of the mess.
Covering more than one million square miles, this tropical block is teeming with so much wildlife that it seems to belong to another time.
The problem with this sort of thinking is that it seems to suggest history is not weighty, and there is not some degree of inertia in users.
This fact has been so universally acknowledged by previous writers on the subject that it seems hardly necessary to quote individual opinions.
This fact has been so universally acknowledged by previous writers on the subject that it seems hardly necessary to quote individual opinions.
And speaking of McCain's running mate, another effect of the crisis is that it seems to have ended, finally, the Palin-mania phase of the race.
THE basic idea behind efficient market theory is that it seems implausible that there are $20 notes lying on pavements waiting to be picked up.
有效市场理论(efficient market theory)的一个基本思想是:你不可能在大街上发现20美元钞票等着你去捡。
Of course, Facebook is being hailed as a great social platform (one that it seems even Google fears), but choice is typically good in moderation.
How many of you also feel like sometimes in order to do that it seems like it took away from your sense of appreciation of others or your spirituality?
How many of you also feel like sometimes in order to do that it seems like it took away from your sense of appreciation of others or your spirituality?