They discover various chattel and valuable goods in the abandoned house.
On one side of the street were abandoned houses with faded symbols in blue spray paint noting when the house was searched after Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005 and whether any bodies were found.
We can't even estimate basic electric needs - for lights, computers, etc. - because the house had been abandoned for the past 20 years.
In Britain a workman, about to hang himself in an abandoned house, chalked his final words on the wall outside.
The most amazing thing is that you never can guess whether a house is abandoned or not.
Fixed: Abandoned House doesn't face the road.
We took shelter for the night in an abandoned house.
We cared about cake more than we cared about Benny, so we abandoned him in the woods and ran back to the house.
By making the most of abandoned items and using enough Spaces for living cleverly, people can easily have a comfortable house fulfilled by nature and flexible for any future needs with a limited fund.
If the senior people live in the nursing house, they will regard themselves worthless, being abandoned by their families, and feel desperate.
This is a small three-storied building beside the Sushi Theatre. It is renovated from an abandoned boiler house.
Seeing the abandoned containers that had been used to transport construction materials for the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery, the architects were inspired to reuse them to house the centre's staff.
Search an old, abandoned house and collect any valuables but be careful - there are rumors of a ghost haunting the building. Experience fear and deep horrifying atmosphere.
There was an abandoned house by the riverside.
One day the businessman lost on the way home, sleeping in an abandoned house in the forest.
Earlier this year an animal-welfare group rescued 20 abandoned mastiffs from the back of a lorry, which was taking them to a slaughter house to be sold for leather and meat—for a mere $5 each.
Then the marooned family stumbles upon an ancient and seemingly abandoned house.
On the south side there is a three-story housing complex and on the west side there is an old abandoned house.
Early the third morning Tom Sawyer wisely went poking among some old empty hogsheads down behind the abandoned slaughter-house, and in one of them he found the refugee.
第三天一大早,汤姆挺聪明,在破旧的屠宰场后面的几只旧空桶中找人,结果在一只 空桶中发现了哈克,他就在这过夜。
But the abandoned shell of a new luxury hotel and the dark empty corridors of the main guest-house in Yongchang suggest the romance is proving slow to take hold more widely.
Seeing the abandoned containers that had been used to transport construction materials for the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery, the architects were inspired to reuse them to house the Centre's staff.
He had hunted around the edge of town until he found a small, abandoned piece of property with a house and shed.
Caption: an abandoned house facing the approaching desert in Minqin.
They hide out in an abandoned house on the outskirts of town, unaware it is next door to the home of a family of serial killers.
Search an old, abandoned house and collect any valuables but be careful - there are rumors of a ghost haunting the building.
Search an old, abandoned house and collect any valuables but be careful - there are rumors of a ghost haunting the building.