Q: it is reported that the African Union High-Level Ad Hoc Committee on Libya recently held a meeting in South Africa, discussing the situation in Libya.
All are welcomed in joining the discussion on above issues so as to put the future substantive work of the outer space AD hoc committee on a better footing.
The aforesaid committee shall hold at least one meeting every three months, and appoint staffer(s) ad hoc to handle related matters.
The aforesaid committee shall hold at least one meeting every three months, and appoint staffer or teacher ad hoc to handle related matters.
This committee is formed ad hoc to address the issue of salaries.
A committee formed AD hoc to address the issue of salaries.
Today marks the launching of the workplace English and Putonghua training programme, organized by the Ad Hoc Quality Taxi Services Steering Committee, for in-service taxi drivers like yourselves.
Workshop planning committee: an AD hoc planning committee was appointed by the IOM to organize the workshop.
The Scientific Committee may seek the advice of other scientists and experts as may be required on an AD hoc basis.
The Scientific Committee may seek the advice of other scientists and experts as may be required on an AD hoc basis.