The art of love is God at work through you.
He quickly became schooled in the art of love.
The art of love is largely the art of persistence.
The art of love... is largely the art of persistence. Albert Ellis.
In "the art of love" in he analysed 5 kinds of different love.
The art of illusion is the art of love, and the art of love is the blood-red heart of the world.
China sincerely welcomes the art of love to watch foreign friends to buy our Chinese celebrities Crafts.
Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love(c. 1 b. c. ) and Metamorphoses(c. a. d. 8).
I happen to be an aficionado of the opera, and I love art museums.
He is the author of three books on art and many readers love his works.
The French love of fine art appears to be in question after a new survey showed that China has overtaken France as a market for art sales.
This act would be my pièce de résistance, the existential proof that love was the answer, the convergence of art, romance and technology that would make everything beautiful.
But like any art it requires practice and experience. The most important ingredient you can bring to it is love of cooking for its own sake.
The name came from the two Davids' shared love of outsider art.
The marriage of the two breathed life into the art and created a modern-day social object which emanates the hope of the community and the love they have for the brand.
We both love to dance and enjoy the art of dance, and we connected as soon as we danced.
Among the museums I love are the Metropolitan museum of Art in New York, the Prado in Madrid, and the Hermitage in St Petersburg.
What I love about the "African Mosaic" exhibition is the diversity of displayed objects and the intersecting themes addressed by African works of art.
Even enthusiastic pirates will still buy CDs of music that they love, in order to get the cover art or simply to express their devotion.
Here, an artist with a real love of buildings brings the two disciplines - art and architecture - into, and out of, focus.
Besides getting a cup of coffee, some of the best ideas for a date are the things you love to do the most, such as going to an art museum or getting muddy on a mountain bike ride.
When art, creativity, and the love of pleasing are added to the mix, new-style practitioners create amazing edibles that surprise, fascinate, and even astound.
Now the Whitechapel Art Gallery is staging an exhibition-about-an-exhibition that looks at the origins of this love affair between the brooding colourist and the British.
Love of art, but not in the art of himself.
This act would be my pièce de résistance, theproof that love was the answer, the convergence of art, romance and technology that would make everything beautiful.
They dedicate9 their lives to the perfection of music, and dance. Because they are working pieces of art, and you do not love, you do not marry, and you do not have children.
They dedicate9 their lives to the perfection of music, and dance. Because they are working pieces of art, and you do not love, you do not marry, and you do not have children.