A good marriage is the beginning of new life, is also the starting point for happiness and happiness.
The birth of their first child marked the beginning of a new era in their married life.
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life.
Fear of change. - Life is change. Every day is different. Every day is a new beginning and a new ending. Embrace it and make the best of it.
In these rituals they lighted fires and deposited broken vessels to mark the ending of a particular phase in the life of the building and to celebrate the new beginning.
It was the beginning of a new life together.
Leaving the darkness of the cave suggests enlightenment, and emerging from the womb of the earth the beginning of a new life.
Each day is a new beginning. Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our life.
College is not only the beginning of a new path into education, it is also a path to life and dreams.
It is the beginning of a precious new life.
When you think everything has been good to lose its original color, perhaps this is the beginning of life on a new journey.
It's the end of my high school; however, it's just a new beginning of my life.
The risk-carrying surgery was a success, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in Mithushi's life.
Time will not let you forget a person, you want to forget, only the beginning of a new life.
Lastly, the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life.
Heres to the beginning of a new life.
It seems to us is dead, perhaps in another world, this is the beginning of a new life.
At the beginning of this period, I was just busy on falling into the new life, looking for a place to live, studying English, getting the drive license, making new friends, etc.
Green is associated with spring and, as we all know, spring is the beginning of a new life.
Green nis associated with spring and, as we all know, spring is the beginning of a new life.
Following the changes of communication modes caused by influence of new media, the mass reading style, as an essential part of human's life, has been changed so much and it is only a beginning.
Following the changes of communication modes caused by influence of new media, the mass reading style, as an essential part of human's life, has been changed so much and it is only a beginning.