Solving that problem remains the best of all ways to proider peace.
Solving that problem remains the best of all ways to promote a wider peace.
Even the best practitioners of software design can't anticipate all the ways a design will manifest and evolve over time.
There are all sorts of ways to define star quality, but perhaps the best is that it's the ability to appear completely natural in completely unnatural situations.
And fewer calories, as we all know, mean a better chance of staying slim, which is one of the best ways to protect your heart for the long-term.
Once you spread your ideas (and free is the best way to do that), there are all sorts of ways to profit.
One of the best ways to make this happen is to build out the intended configuration on one node, make a mksysb backup, and use that to build out all subsequent nodes.
Before importing, it is a best practice to verify that all of your text has correct styles applied to them. There are two ways to conduct the verification.
It may smell funny, but it's one of the best ways to prevent skin cancer. After all, you don't want to end up looking like this.
Despite the different ways in which people celebrate the New Year, they have one thing in common: All of them express best wishes and good luck for the coming New Year.
Of all the various ways of cooking an egg, I like boiling best.
We'd all like to see less and less dangerous chemicals carried on the motorways, but unfortunately, it's a fact of life that it's one of the best ways for them to get the stuff around.
Information Literacy education is to improve the quality of our information and the best ways to reach the purpose of education it is necessary to create all conditions.
Instead, we ought to devise new ways of funding healthcare that will make it possible for all patients to afford the best care.
We do not believe that in best practice these two ways of reading the Bible are at all contradictory, even though today, many pit them against each other.
From Face Aware Liquify to the new Select and Mask space, plus all kinds of hidden tweaks, you'll discover the best ways to use these new tools and take your workflow to the next level.
We all know how a certain life event can raise its ugly head during our days and we are put to task to find ways to handle it to the best of our abilities.
By following all the best methods and ways of maintaining equipment, the equipment maintenance could hit a professional service level.
Image narrative is one of the artistic expression ways which is the best poetic one of all in "a Dream of Red Mansions" and in which aesthetic means are brought into play most incisively and vividly.
I am also happy to see such a strong increase of Chinese travelers (both business and pleasure) move all over Europe. Traveling is one of the best ways to broaden one's awareness and horizon.
8 kinds of cleaning ways were all effective for vegetable pesticide residue remove, comparably, cutting epidermis effect was the best one.
8 kinds of cleaning ways were all effective for vegetable pesticide residue remove, comparably, cutting epidermis effect was the best one.