But often the boilerplate code isn't so pretty.
Lombok has a clever solution to the boilerplate code problem, however.
Now, if you can, it's best to abstract out the boilerplate portions into a function.
Listing 1 presents the boilerplate module functions, defining the module entry and exit functions.
Likewise, other standard macros can be created which make use of variables defined in the boilerplate.
You can also create some helper methods to simplify the boilerplate initialization of the server object.
And here's the full text of PacBio's 8-k statement, minus the boilerplate about forward-looking statements.
而这里的PacBio的8 - K声明的全文,减去有关前瞻性陈述的样板。
Clearly, the boilerplate portion of this code could be reused, and we typically do so in object-oriented languages by creating structure.
We've tried to factor out all the boilerplate code into the Ubiquity core, so that writing a useful Ubiquity command is as simple as this.
Limit any explanation to the boilerplate basics, whether you're "accepting a new opportunity" or have concluded this job is "not an ideal fit."
The Boilerplate: "Provide remote cardiac diagnostic services in the emerging markets, which account for 80% of global cardiovascular disease burden."
It also provides you with an elegant application model, making heavy use of the delegate pattern to eliminate much of the boilerplate code from your application.
Communication on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter must be inherently less formal, more personal and intimate than the boilerplate copy that appears on a brand Web site.
This is primarily because JmsTemplate is providing all the boilerplate resource management of JMS Connections, Sessions and MessageProducers that you would otherwise need to code.
This gives you freedom in naming methods the way you like while preserving the full control over the query definition without bothering you with the boilerplate query execution code.
The closures notation strips away the boilerplate associated with inner classes, allowing a more compact (and more importantly, more direct) expression of the desired data operation.
It would save time and effort, but at the expense of code readability and comprehension, because boilerplate code usually adds noise to application source.
For many interfaces, much of the functionality can be implemented with "boilerplate" code that will be valid for all classes that use the interface.
The drawback is that it requires some boilerplate code to create new classes and manipulating objects around.
But don't worry; most of the code is boilerplate, and if you just take it step by step you'll be fine.
All the generic, boilerplate connectivity code has moved into the parent class.
His law partner, William Herndon, swore Lincoln was an atheist, and to be sure, there are plenty of boilerplate references to the Almighty scattered through Lincoln's speeches.
The header and footer of the tutorial are generated by boilerplate, and most of the tags in the body of the panel are virtually identical to their HTML counterparts.
In the Outline view, you can see that the generated methods show up in the compile class, while the source file remains free of boilerplate.
In other words, yes, we're doing this, and yes, we've already got the marketing boilerplate prepared, but no, we don't want to officially announce it until we see how caustic the criticism will be.
Chapter 8 deals with aspect oriented programming (AOP) as it applies to dependency injection, how it aims to save on boilerplate code, and reduce the risk of errors.
The process should start with a boilerplate SELECT containing a blank spot where the parser will fill in the rest.
While the rest of the program is pretty much just boilerplate code to get the SAX2 parser running, the part in Listing 7 defines the application's personality.
This means that boilerplate code is one of the few places where non-hygienic macros are useful.
This might sound like libertarian boilerplate: Nietzsche repackaged for the Chamber of Commerce crowd.