Good pedigree is a pedigree that's consistent with the looks that confirm to the breed standard.
A, if you want to buy our dog please first understand the standard of labrador, as shown in the kennel website the breed standard.
Unfortunately, there are those who completely ignore and bypass the breed standard in frenzied attempts to secure winners or create a "novel" color to enhance puppy sales.
One also hears the "experts" criticize dogs with respect to fine points which are desirable in the breed, but about which the breed standard is either non-specific or silent.
Beyond the stacks of info contained within standard picture files, a new breed of applications can pile on even more detailed signals about where a photo was taken.
All the dogs have been groomed in a Japanese grooming style, which doesn't follow the usual breed standard cuts and rules for grooming that we're used to seeing.
Structural faults common to all breeds are as undesirable in the Bichon Frise as in any other breed, even though such faults may not be specifically mentioned in the standard.
Experts say that new methods are needed because the standard practices - using insecticides and removing the standing water where mosquitoes breed - have not proved sufficient.
Each breed's parent club creates a STANDARD, a written description of the ideal specimen of that breed.
The Borzoi's coat texture is silky (this is an important breed characteristic - See Breed Standard) and as a result, easy to maintain.
Black-bone chicken is a unique domestic chicken breed in China, and the Silkie has been admitted as an International Standard Breeds because of its unique appearance.
The results indicates that New Yangzhou chicken is a genetically stability breed and satisfies the genetic standard of closed colony animal.
The results suggested that Bama Miniature pig is a genetically stability breed and satisfies the genetic standard of closed colony animal.
The best pets come from breeders who breed strictly to the SV standard.
Structural faults common to all breeds are as undesirable in the Finnish Spitz as in any other breed, even though such faults may not be mentioned in the standard.
Aside from the obvious gender differences, yes, there is a distinction in size (see Breed Standard) with the males being noticeably larger and more heavily-coated than the females.
Aside from the obvious gender differences, yes, there is a distinction in size (see Breed Standard) with the males being noticeably larger and more heavily-coated than the females.