This may lead to the broadest appeal.
Application is the broadest context state available.
In the broadest strokes then, neuroscience and Buddhism agree.
Define yourself here in the broadest terms. Blog the smaller stuff.
In the broadest sense, the software supports two kinds of modeling files.
But it is traders of distressed corporate debt who are wearing the broadest smiles.
And on happy occasions, he had the broadest smile, and the warmest laughter of all.
IBM has the broadest scope of products in the industry to implement the right SOA solution for you.
Only on the broadest thesis is Mr Lencioni right: the answer to misery may well be better management.
Instead of focussing his attention on Medina, he should wage war over the broadest territory possible.
It is the broadest system of its kind for sending financial messages around the world quickly and securely.
This is the broadest and most current collection of information on compilers, other tools, and documentation.
Finds the broadest set of issues, whether they originate in code, integration, third-party components, or other parts.
Patterns in the broadest sense can also be applied to a particular class of problem — when transforming an input to an output.
A permanent alternate command needs to be established as soon as practical and the broadest possible coalition must be engaged.
“The global economy is in the midst of the broadest and most buoyant commodity price boom since the early 1970s,” the body said.
The living standards of the people have registered a remarkable elevation. This is the upward movement in the broadest sense of the world.
At the broadest level, you can specify a root element of set when including two or more books; for example, a whole reference collection.
But as a consultant, I need tools that will run in the broadest range of environments possible, and which do not make too many assumptions.
The point is that the broadest measures of the money supply (M2 and M3) vastly overstate how much "real money" actually exists in the system.
The second part is telling people what you’ve learned: writing (in the broadest sense, including video, audio, graphics and more) and editing.
Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of the country's output, grew at an annualized rate of 3.7 percent in the first quarter of this year.
Involved in all aspects of production, a producer holds the broadest possible view of a project, and orchestrates its unfolding at the highest level.
"The US investor side is the broadest, the deepest and the most willing to back new managers and strategies, wherever they may be", says Mr Spangler.
Designing applications to these existing standards will help you provide function to the broadest possible audience, even as new Assistive Tools evolve.
根据这些已有标准来设计应用程序将帮助您把功能提供给最广泛的受众,甚至适用于最新的Assistive Tools。
Designing applications to these existing standards will help you provide function to the broadest possible audience, even as new Assistive Tools evolve.
根据这些已有标准来设计应用程序将帮助您把功能提供给最广泛的受众,甚至适用于最新的Assistive Tools。