Observe the cardinal rule of blogging: Be interesting!
This is the cardinal rule that I am violating this morning.
The cardinal rule of blogging is to do it as much as you can.
As far as the Hippocratic oath, the cardinal rule is to do NO harm.
The cardinal rule: Your emails should be easy for other people to read.
The result of all these factors is that Digg breaks the cardinal rule of voting: independence.
The cardinal rule of taxation is that whatever you put a levy on, you'll inevitably get less of.
Many web companies forget the cardinal rule of e-commerce: web shoppers want as little hassle as possible.
Many web companies forget the cardinal rule of e-commerce: web shoppers want as little hassle as possible.
The cardinal rule in science is that all claims must be testable -- they must be capable, at least in principle, of being proved wrong.
A cardinal rule of the profession is that the presence of the camera must not alter the situation being photographed.
A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association suggests that parents stop teaching their children the once popular cardinal rule of the dinner table, ” clean your plate, eat it all”.
当孩子的身体告诉他他已经吃饱了的时候,不要强迫你的孩子继续吃下去。 发表在《美国饮食协会杂志》上的一项研究报告表明,家长们不应该再让孩子记住那条曾经的主流餐桌规定——“不许剩饭!”
A cardinal rule when running to a "code" is: Slow down and walk the final 50 yards, catch your breath, clear your head.
Study sessions that go beyond 7 hours more often thannot point to a breach of the first cardinal rule of revising: takefrequent breaks.
The one cardinal rule I've learnt from acting is not to allow your audience to fall asleep.
The one cardinal rule I've learnt from acting is not to allow your audience to fall asleep.