Banks must check that they appear to have received the documents specified in the collection order, but they have no liability to examine the documents in more detail.
In order to reduce the amount of residue ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year's total, the city has revamped its collection program.
By their nature, parallel operations can occur in any order, so there is no such restriction on the execution of the parallel transaction collection.
By connecting activities, these links define the order of execution of each component within the collection.
Explicit garbage collection is a really bad idea - something on the order of locking yourself in a phone booth with a rabid pit bull.
The customer has a collection of previous orders, and each order consists of several items.
The result is that garbage collection will need to be performed in order to reclaim space in the heap.
To get the collection of elements representing teams at the meet, we must start at the document and navigate through elements, and, in that order.
Every Notes document of the returned Notes document collection is wrapped in its own instance of the order class.
Thus BPEL orchestrates Web Services by specifying the order in which it is meaningful to call a collection of services, and assigns responsibilities for each of the services to partners.
BPEL通过指定顺序来编排Web服务,这对服务集合的调用来说意义深远。 BPEL还针对每个服务分配了合作伙伴的责任。
That's a tall order for a tower, but the collection of non-profits that comprise the Center, along with a strong community, feel up to it.
The range of values that properties can take must also be predictable in some way in order to perform useful processing over the global collection of DOAP information.
Platonism and Hermetism are discussed in the Nag Hammadi collection, but there is no urge toward "world destruction" or even the deliberate disruption of the social order.
For example, an order placement business process might include the steps of order validation, payment collection, and then finally order placement.
The container USES this IndexedRecord collection in order to initialize and activate EJB instances.
In order to facilitate doing so, the second workspace, "Annotations Management," has a master collection that defines what other collections are available.
In order to verify that your service is indeed in the test repository and viewable under the Speed start program, go to the Speed-start Community Collection (see the Resources section).
为了验证您的服务的确在测试资源库中,并且在Speed -start计划下是可查看的,请转至Speed - start社区集合(请参阅参考资料一节)。
The panel's order attribute is given the value 0, which corresponds to the number of the UserInputPanel defined in Listing 2's collection of panels.
In order to expose the collection classes, you can create a session facade and access it using a servlet, which forwards the results to a JSP.
Griffith - Keep your movie collection in order with this app that automatically grabs film information and cover art from the Internet.
In order to make the adoption process easier, Scott Barber provided a detailed collection of tips to the performance specialist on how to engage and be productive in an Agile project.
Use the "order-by" attribute instead of "sort" if your collection sorting logic can be implemented by the underlying database because the database usually does a better sorting job than you.
如果集合排序逻辑能由底层数据库实现,就使用“order -by”属性来代替“sort”,因为通常数据库在这方面做得比你好。
If this collection makes any guarantees as to what order its elements are returned by its iterator, this method must return the elements in the same order.
The specified order is applied first, followed by the default sort for this collection, which is usually alphabetical.
In order to get reliable information, collectors should follow the principles of nonverbal information collection and master the relevant skills.
And collection competitor's advertising, promotional materials, brochures etc. are discussed and analyzed, in order to achieve the mutant, adopt corresponding countermeasures.
Therefore the order of binding elements in the collection directly affects the order in which communications stack components process messages.
The paper states that the essence of library cause is the collection and organization of knowledge and serve to the total reader using the order knowledge.
In order to avoid after the arrival of the goods, the customer is unable to pick up, resulting in our shipping and we paid collection fee loss.
In order to avoid after the arrival of the goods, the customer is unable to pick up, resulting in our shipping and we paid collection fee loss.