Urban ecological environment will be influenced by the construction of track traffic at varying degree during construction period and operation period.
There will be certain practical value in the fields of urban planning and construction, city traffic etc.
As an important part of digital city, the urban digital traffic management information system has provided an efficient platform for traffic planning, construction and management.
Urban subway construction is also busy, the opening of the metro can greatly ease the pressure of road traffic and road traffic jams, and environmental protection very much.
Therefore, no matter how to speed up road construction to improve the efficiency of road, can not fundamentally solve the problem of urban traffic congestion.
How to determine applicable light rail traffic system is the problem needed to be solved firstly in construction of urban light rail transport.
As the important transfer node of city periphery, the interchange's construction in urban outer loop must initiate re-distribution of the traffic flow in affect regional.
Cost control in the urban construction of traffic projects is the main administrative responsibility for the department of communications.
With the development of highway transportation and urban road construction, the traffic noise pollution becomes very important problem.
The construction of urban rail transit will certainly affect seriously the already packed traffic in the urban core, which is an inevitable problem during the construction period.
With the increasing construction of urban railway traffic engineering in home, its safety is becoming morn and more important.
To lay various kinds of underground pipes by non-excavation construction technology can greatly reduce the influence of traffic, noise and dust on the environment in the urban districts.
Urban transportation determines the location of CBD to some degree, and traffic planning and construction must support the center position of CBD.
The plan for the constrUction of urban rail transit must meet the demand of metropolis traffic, and achieve the purpose of Iow cost, high operation efficiency, and quick flnancial retum.
The plan for the constrUction of urban rail transit must meet the demand of metropolis traffic, and achieve the purpose of Iow cost, high operation efficiency, and quick flnancial retum.