Vigorously develops the corporate bond market;
In the third chapter, it studies the base rate's change on the corporate bond market.
Meanwhile, this week's column is on the disaster that didn't happen in the corporate bond market.
Despite this success, however, significant deficiencies existed in the structure of the corporate bond market.
Companies can easily get bank loans. The corporate bond market is well developed. The integration of stock exchanges gives companies access to a deep pool of investors.
These figures seem to reveal the processes by which private investors, once the mainstay of the corporate bond market, lost three-quarters of their bond holdings: by default, by call, and by maturity.
And in theory, it could find creative ways to do the same for the corporate-bond market.
A second problem for the corporate-bond market is that optimism about the scope for an imminent end to the financial crisis has dissipated.
Last week, the us corporate bond market had its second-ever busiest day.
Within the euro area, the bond market needs to start functioning much more like the corporate-debt market, with each borrower assessed on its own merits.
But while stockmarkets were celebrating, the corporate-bond market saw 35 defaults, the largest number of non-payers in a single month since the Depression, according to Moody’s.
One of the effects of the financial crisis was to kick-start the corporate-bond market to help companies refinance.
While Treasuries look rich, other parts of the bond market beckon, including municipals, corporate bonds, convertible securities, some mortgage securities and preferred stock.
The final measure is based on the corporate-bond market.
The maturity of various credit rating bond is more abundance will help to build up a rational corporate bond yield curve, and provide pricing benchmark for secondary market circulation.
Commercial Banks cannot participate the bourse corporate bond market, but individuals and firms can directly join in, as the liquidity of small amount trade is good.
AS INVESTMENT Banks toppled in the autumn of 2008, panic swept the corporate-bond market.
The obvious attraction of the bond market is its size: some $10 trillion-worth of corporate bonds traded in 2003, a quarter more than the trading volume on the NYSE.
债券市场显而易见的吸引力是它的规模:价值约10 兆美元的公司债券在2003年进行了交易,这一数字比纽约证券交易所的交易额高四分之一。
In this thesis, we will study the credit spread in order to understand the credit risk of corporate bonds, and to promote the credit risk management in the bond market.
But while stock markets were celebrating, the corporate-bond market saw 35 defaults, the largest number of non-layers in a single month since the Depression, according to Moody's.
Secondly, based on the domestic bond market, we show an in-depth theoretical analysis about factors of credit spread of corporate bonds.
Pertaining to the primary bond market; foreign Banks are not allowed to underwrite domestic financial or corporate bonds.
Pertaining to the primary bond market; foreign Banks are not allowed to underwrite domestic financial or corporate bonds.