But even the cultural transmission of economic success is a provocative notion, and a painful one to most economists, who are predisposed to hope that good policies alone may promote economic growth.
However, in ants there is no cultural transmission — everything must be encoded in the genes — whereas in humans the opposite is true.
On the other hand, the migrancy of identities and desires also initiates a crisis in cultural transmission and transcultural communicability.
Family is, if anything, the link between generations, the center of child rearing and cultural transmission.
Cultural factor is the very important factor for teaching English well and learning English well. Language is a communicational tool and important means of culture transmission.
Translation is a cross - cultural language communicative activity, which is not only the process of language transformation, but also a kind of cultural transmission activity.
Tang various cultural transmission, in such form of cultural turn, we put these ideas began, we are to dig some of the details of Tang, some of the Tang culture category.
And a study finds that cultural transmission is behind the spread of a hunting technique among humpback whales off New England.
Gain a sizable market share in the concerned industry by promoting sports and cultural transmission.
And the models that included cultural transmission as a factor best matched the data.
In these cultural transmission, the spread of life is an extremely important part.
After China's accession to WTOC, how the Book of Changes to the world, international, cultural transmission to the Book of Changes is our responsibility to the world.
The addressee subdivision is an idea that was borrowed from the discipline of marketing, and was in close contact with the theories of reception aesthetics in the course of its cultural transmission.
Up to now, seldom is any theoretical framework adopted to solve the conflict between readability, perfomability and cultural transmission in drama translation.
The translation of metaphor should follow the principle of cultural compatibility, taking metaphor as a sign of cultural transmission is to reinterpret the allegorical origin of the text culturally.
Translation is not only the transference of language, but also a transmission of cultural information.
Translation is not only the transformation between two languages, but also cultural transmission and transplantation.
The use of mandarin can contribute to information transmission and cultural exchange between ethnic groups and people in different places.
Meme is the basic unit of cultural transmission and a unit of imitation.
Today the media is no longer just a tool for cultural transmission, and it achieves effective integration between culture communication and cultural progress.
In additions also has analyzed the sports system function: Behavior guidance function, social conformity function, cultural transmission function.
Her success and popularization, a special phenomenon under a special condition, are closely related with the cultural background of times, social psychology and methods of transmission.
English teaching is the transmission of language knowledge and cultural knowledge.
In recent years, translators have become more aware of the importance of cultural communication and transmission and have paid more attention to Venuti's translation theory.
From stores daily management to cultural transmission, to the public, cultural heritage.
Because of verbal and cultural differences, the information connotations of advertising words are difficult to realize equivalent transmission through translation.
It is hoped that this thesis can be of some help to the research in the application of Palmer's Cultural Linguistics to the translation of imagery transmission studies.
The article tries to utilize core competence theory in the category of regional cultural transmission for the first time.
Abstract: in the process of the transmission of the engineering culture, transmission path and transmission rules are two important aspects, they decide the result of cultural transmission.
Abstract: in the process of the transmission of the engineering culture, transmission path and transmission rules are two important aspects, they decide the result of cultural transmission.