The daily routine isn't easy at all.
Many tools are available to help you achieve the daily routine of flossing.
A chief representative shall stay in the representative office to take charge of the daily routine.
The daily routine of work keeps our mind busy. There is always the next vacation or party to look forward to.
Instead of feeling uncomfortable without the daily routine of training and playing, I experienced a lot of nice things.
Confusion, wandering and agitation are common with dementia, and usually any break in the daily routine only increases those reactions.
By all means make use of the new methods of communicating but make sure you take time to talk about things other than the daily routine.
Set against the backdrop of the World Security Summit, this 20-parter is woven with stories revolving around the daily routine of investigators and neighbourhood police.
Usability nightmares - which are rather the daily routine than an exception - appear every now and again; usually almost every time you type your search keywords in Google.
Part of the daily routine of most executives is to spend a period of time with his or her assistant, going over projects, dictating letters, discussing appointments to be made etc.
Part of the daily routine of most executives is to spend a period of time with his or her assisant, going over projects, dictating letters, discussing appointments to be made etc.
The topics included environmental protection, tea ceremony and etiquette. The volunteers' arrival not only spiced up the daily routine, but also planted seeds of love in the rural school.
The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle.
Her 1919 work, Household Engineering: Scientific Management in the Home, was based on detailed observation of a housewife's daily routine.
My daily routine includes going to the gym for a workout before going to bed.
My daily routine included going to the gym for a workout before going to work.
The pattern linking John’s daily routine to exercise isn’t as strong now.
During the school year, we had a daily routine.
One of the best aspects of your daily routine to apply a life hack to are your personal fitness goals.
Meal times are one of the cornerstones of your daily routine. They can be the most joyous part of your day or the most dreaded part of your day.
Travel frees you from the grind of daily routine.
Ms. Glickman recently started a project in her 'Personal Wellness' class. The assignment: change one aspect of your daily health routine to reduce stress, and keep a journal of your progress.
The only solution is to make exercising and relaxing the mind a part of your daily routine in such a way that you don't get a chance to second guess yourself.
The only solution is to make exercising and relaxing the mind a part of your daily routine in such a way that you don't get a chance to second guess yourself.