The scientist has frowned, looked at the graphs, and said "the data are still inconclusive."
These space craft have been prolific sources of data for earth scientist, but the new shots were chosen solely based on aesthetics.
LinkedIn Senior Data Scientist Monica Rogati narrowed down the study to tens of thousands of startup founder profiles, and in the process came across some insights that may surprise you.
Rudder is the first to acknowledge that he’s no scientist but rather a data interpreter who knows how to entertain.
Rudder is the first to acknowledge that he's no scientist but rather a data interpreter who knows how to entertain.
The curious scientist believes there is an order to the universe but is always looking for unexpected data points that will test the accepted theory.
To resolve the conflict between data and theory, a scientist often has to think outside the box and approach the problem from different angles.
So the ideal scenario is the following: a scientist enters data into the application.
The scientist has frowned, looked at the graphs, and said, "The data are still inconclusive。" We know that, the men from the budget office have said, "but what do you think?
那位科学家皱皱眉头,看看图表,然后说“数据仍不够充分”。 “这点我们知道,”预算办公室人员说,“但你的意见如何?
One scientist recently predicted that the great discoveries of the future will come from finding patterns in vast archives of data.
Nevertheless, this highly respected scientist spent the next 20 minutes explaining the data shown on this single slide.
A data scientist helps companies make sense of the massive streams of digital information they collect every day, everything from internally generated sales reports to customer tweets.
The scientist has frowned, looked at the graphs, and said, "The data are still inconclusive."
Data science has become such a hot field that EMC convened the first-ever data scientist summit in Las Vegas in May (300 people attended).
Recently I had the opportunity to guest-lecture a class at Stanford called Data Mining and Electronic Business, which is taught by my friend (and former Chief Scientist at Amazon) Andreas Weigend.
最近,我有幸受邀在斯坦福为一门课做了次讲座,课程的名字叫数据挖掘与电子商务,由我的朋友安德烈亚.威根 (Andreas Weigend) 主讲。 他曾任亚马逊首席科学家。
Drew Conway joining the IA Ventures team as scientist-in-residence is evidence of the importance we place on helping our companies extract the most value from their data assets.
Today, we get a possible answer thanks to the work of Allen Downey, a computer scientist at the Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts, who has analyzed the data in detail.
But when the ice melts, the sun warms ocean waters. Walter Meier is a scientist with the National Snow and ice Data Center.
As couples become couples, Facebook data scientist Carlos Diuk writes, the two people enter a period of courtship, during which timeline posts increase.
John Tucker as a scientist from the US space agency NASA which helped compile the data.
Hence, while many people whose job title is Data Scientist do very useful work, the title itself has become fairly useless as an indication of what the title holder actually does.
In recent years, the field seems to be gravitating towards the broader unifying definition, where everyone who touches data in some way can call themselves a data scientist.
Chris, a scientist, backed up the bold statements he made during the presentation by giving everyone a copy of his research data.
D. and data scientist, the book is a hyper-informed cautionary tale about the wonders of Big Data.
D. and data scientist, the book is a hyper-informed cautionary tale about the wonders of Big Data.