The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation.
Agriculture in the developed nations has both strengths and weaknesses.
However the developed nations insisted that there is still everything to play for at negotiations.
The developed nations, with about onefourth of the world's population, possess almost half the arable land of the earth.
For far too long, the developed nations have talked big - especially when gathered together at summits - but delivered little.
But compared with the developed nations, China's urbanization level is still very low, and the road has still many new problems.
The economy in the developed nations where outsourced it operations from the US were located benefitted as well during this same period.
They will need to commit to strong measures at home and agree to stand behind those commitments just as the developed nations must stand behind their own.
Under the revised plan, India's solar mission will seek to achieve its targets by demanding technological and financial support from the developed nations.
According to the recent investigation, the consumer of green textile and garment has great difference to the developed nations not only in comept but also in behavior.
Yes, the developed nations that caused much of the damage to our climate over the last century still have a responsibility to lead — and that includes the United States.
Without a well-educated population, China will not be able to achieve its planned economic growth, catch up with the developed nations technologically or improve its people's living conditions.
The agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions.
Although population, industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar in developed nations, the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers, rivers and lakes has slowed.
However, the agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions.
The country has the lowest fertility rate among developed nations with an average of 1.08 children per woman.
The Philippine pilot will provide a "blueprint" for the programme's replicability in other less developed nations.
Of developed nations, the US had the highest prevalence. The diabetes rate was relatively low in western Europe.
The IEA is an adviser to 28 developed nations, all of whom are also members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Last year's financial meltdown raised questions about the attractiveness of developed nations, which have been dealing with their own serious debt, currency and governance issues.
Of developed nations, the US had the highest prevalence.
Most paediatric endocrinologists now agree that the age of puberty is falling fast in developed nations.
Matt King, a strategist at Citigroup, cites IMF figures showing that the debt-to-GDP ratio of the leading 20 developed nations is already twice that of the top 20 emerging markets.
花旗银行的战略规划师马特金(Matt King)引用国际货币组织的数据显示,前二十位发达国家的GDP债务比重已经高出前二十位新兴市场的两倍之多。
It means that the US and other developed nations have more time to engage China and interact with its fledgling institutions.
It means that the US and other developed nations have more time to engage China and interact with its fledgling institutions.