As early as the end of 19th century, overcurrent relay has been used to protect electric power system.
At the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century, the Bund was a major financial hub of East Asia.
Pierre Bonnard is one of initiators of Nabis at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century in France.
The localization of educational theory began at the end of 19th century, but has produced very little effect so far.
It was not until at the end of 19th century that shooting, originated as a means of survival, earned its status as a sport.
The construction of LRT of three metropolitan areas in Japan started at the end of 19th century and its frame formed basically in 1920s.
Neoclassicism architecture refers to the classic architectural style prevails in Europe and America from 1760s to the end of 19th century.
The Retro Trend in architectural production refers to the neoclassicism, romanticism and eclecticism popular from 1760s to the end of 19th century.
At the end of 19th century, with development by German colonists, a great number of buildings of various styles, mainly European style, were constructed in Qingdao.
Chinese nationalism in modern sense emerged between the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. In the first half of 20th century, it made history of nation -saving.
The woman problem is the epitome of social problems. At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th, the content of the woman movement in Hunan was rich and had a profound effect.
As early as the end of 19th century, people had discovered the distortion problem of voltage and current existing in the distribution system when the alternating current arisen as a newly motive form.
By the end of the 19th century, as the frontier vanished, the US had a mild panic attack.
By the end of the 19th century, most 4-year institutions were holding alumni reunions.
The play shows the daily lives of the common people in China from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century.
In most developed countries, where there are available data, yearly working hours have fallen drastically since the end of the 19th century: today we work only about half as much as we did then.
Even by the end of the 19th century, however, new technologies began to emerge, many of them based on the same principles first developed for the telegraph system.
There is only one precedent for a group of broadly comparable industrial states living together in relative peace for decades on end, and that is Europe in the 19th century.
The “Old Stone age” hall displays the real mammoth tusks, found on the bank of the Yenisey in the end of the 19th century.
What did we know at the end of the 19th century about the structure of the atom?
At the British economy's nadir of 1974, the era of the three-day week, equities traded for just 30% of their real value at the end of the 19th century.
These raids continued till the end of the 19th century declining year by year.
By the end of the 19th century HSBC was already big in Asia and Standard Chartered's predecessor firms were doing well in Africa and India.
The villages have been found at the end of the 19th century, the main residential population consisted of the mari people.
He said that the long history of friendly exchanges between the two peoples reached a new level when the first group of Chinese settled down in Ecuador at the end of the 19th century.
It was colonized by the Italians at the end of the 19th century, seen as strategic because of its location at the mouth of the Red Sea.
It was colonized by the Italians at the end of the 19th century, seen as strategic because of its location at the mouth of the Red Sea.